GrabMaxMachine vision integration

Our vision
In the process of industrial automation, GrabMax Ltd. plays the role of a machine vision integrator: we provide machine vision and artificial intelligence for machines / robots.
Products of the GrabMax platform
The GrabMax platform is made up of different modules, which provide industrial solutions for companies. One of the most important modules is artificial intelligence, which is able to make decisions on its own.

Bin picking
Automatic unloading of containers
- 100% efficiency
- for randomly arranged objects
- for items with different optical properties
- avoiding collisions
- object recognition and sorting
Quality control
Automatic quality control
- high reliability 3D point cloud and CAD model
- automatically removes defective elements from the manufacturing process
- items can be classified into several categories based on quality
- easily administered, clear defect reports
- yields more accurate results than the human eye
Pallet unpacking
Automatic unloading of pallets
- boxes, packages, crates, drums of various shapes and sizes
- simple software configuration without programming
- unloading pallets of different standards
- sorting and relocation of different types of packages
- fully automatic and semi-automatic options
Machine tending
Automatic loading of machines
- the machines are loaded evenly and continuously by the robots
- reliable, accurate and safe solution
- reduces the need for human resources and the risk of accidents
- can be used for simultaneous loading of several machines
- with the bin picking solution, the item can be selected and loaded immediately
Artificial Intelligence
- automatic object recognition
- rapid annotation
- precise location and error detection
- production tracking and control
- automatic decision-making based on artificial intelligence
Products of the GrabMax platform
The GrabMax platform is made up of different modules, which provide industrial solutions for companies. One of the most important modules is artificial intelligence, which is able to make decisions on its own.
Bin picking
Tárolók automatikus kipakolása
- 100% hatékonyság
- véletlenszerű elrendezésű tárgyakhoz
- változatos optikai tulajdonságú elemekhez
- ütközések elkerülésével
- tárgyak felismerése, kiválogatása
Automatikus minőség-ellenőrzés
- nagy megbízhatóságú 3D pontfelhő és CAD modell
- automatikusan kiemeli a hibás elemeket a gyártási folyamatból
- az elemek minőség alapján több kategóriába sorolhatók
- könnyen adminisztrálható, áttekinthető hibajelentések
- az emberi szemnél is pontosabb eredmény
Automatikus raklapozás
- különféle méretű és alakzatú dobozok, csomagok, ládák, hordók
- egyszerű szoftveres konfigurálás, programozás nélkül
- változatos szabványú raklapok lepakolása
- különféle csomagok kiválogatása, áthelyezése
- teljesen automata és félautomata opciók
Machine tending
Gépek automatikus betöltése
- a gépek töltése egyenletes és folyamatos a robotok által
- megbízható, pontos és biztonságos megoldás
- csökken az emberi erőforrás igény és a balesetveszély
- akár több gép egyidejű töltéséhez
- bin picking megoldással az elem kiválasztható és rögtön betölthető
Mesterséges intelligencia
- automatikus objektumfelismerés
- gyors annotálás
- pontos hely- és hibameghatározás
- gyártás nyomonkövetése és ellenőrzése
- mesterséges intelligenciával végzett automatikus döntéshozás

Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence or machine learning refers to software that can self-define the operations needed to solve a task to a certain extent by processing ("learning from") some kind of data set. Thanks to the incredible progress in the branch seen in the last ten years, neural networks are the currently most popular type of artificial intelligence. Our company uses deep neural networks primarily for machine vision that can identify, locate and track objects on images, videos and point clouds.
Request a quoteOur packages
For simple products, we provide a turnkey solution with 3-5 days installation in Hungary. We are one of the most competitive in the market for bin picking pricing.
GrabMax bin picking easy
Zivid 3D camera
GrabMax bin picking
3 days installation
2 days on-site support
GrabMax bin picking easy
Zivid 3D camera
GrabMax bin picking
3 days installation
2 days on-site support
Interested in more packages?
Request a quoteOur packages
For simple products, we provide a turnkey solution with 3-5 days installation in Hungary. We are one of the most competitive in the market for bin picking pricing.
Interested in more packages?
Request a quoteGrabMax bin picking easy
Zivid 3D camera
GrabMax bin picking
3 days installation
2 days on-site support
GrabMax bin picking easy
Zivid 3D camera
GrabMax bin picking
3 days installation
2 days on-site support
Specific machine vision tasks
We are happy to provide technical advice for the following specific tasks:
- trajectory correction
- contour tracing
- colour detection
- presence analysis
- measurement
- volume calculation
- positioning
- commissioning